About Kitsun

Does Kitsun have iOS or Android apps?

We don't have any just yet, but the Kitsun team is working on the development as we speak. Right now, we're mainly focusing on making the browser version as good as it can be, as well as creating more content for you to learn. There have been plenty of people who have been asking about it so rest as...

Do I need any technical knowledge to use Kitsun?

We can assure you that you absolutely do not and will not ever have to worry about that! We designed Kitsun around the idea of wanting it to be usable by everyone, and that is never going to change. There are plenty of pre-made decks for you to start your learning journey to begin with, and even if...

Is there a public API?

We don't have that just yet, sorry! We know that having a public API would make things extremely convenient for anyone who wants to personalize their Kitsun experience even further, so we're doing our best to make this available as soon as possible for everyone. Please sit tight until then! If you...

Is there any offline support?

The review session marks cards correct or incorrect in the background while you do your reviews, this means that when your internet connection cuts out (while on the subway for example), it will automatically retry a few times to mark your answered cards once your internet connection comes back. As...

Which browsers are supported?

We have support for most modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), and Safari. Although, we unfortunately do not offer support for Internet Explorer. Please do let us know any concerns you may have for any of the browsers we do support through support@kitsun.io or...

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